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Rogner-Bad Blumau, Hotel & Spa

8283 Blumau 100

Vorgespräche seit 1989
Baubeginn: Sommer 1993
Eröffnung: Mai 1997

Rogner Bad This project is Hundertwasser's biggest and most comprehensive to date. At the invitation of Robert Rogner Hundertwasser planed a Hot Springs Village as an architecture in harmony with nature. The various architectural forms, such as the eye-slit house, the forest-courtyard house, the rolling-hill and shifted-hill houses have been realised for the first time.

The Hot Springs Village was opened in May 1997. The first stage of completion comprises hotel sites with 600 beds, in- and outdoor pools with thermal and fresh water, conference as well as leisure and sport facilities. In the year of its opening the Hot Springs Village has been awarded the Austrian Environmental Sign for Tourism. In 1998 Robert Rogner and Hundertwasser have been awarded the "VDRJ-Prize 1998 for outstanding services to tourism" by the Association of German Travel Journalists.

Tel.: (+)43 (0)3383 5100-9449
Fax: (+)43 (0)3383 5100-804
